scoot in close and there will be room for everyone.

My name is Inga and I'm an artist, among other things. I have an Etsy shop, Sunny Plum, that specializes in things that are sewn.

I love perusing art and crafts, finding out how people make things, and making myself nuts adding items to my ever expanding wish list. So that's what this blog is mostly dedicated to. Enjoy!

Monday, July 19, 2010

Bye Bye Green Tree

I haven't been cutting down trees promise.  Au contraire, I like to plant things as long as once they are in dirt they need absolutely no help from me at all to survive.  No, actually I wanted to bid farewell to the old sunfaded ripped up crumbling useless matted green cat tree that has been riding around in the bed of my truck for the last six months.  Finally it is nestled in a heap of other junk at the dump instead of adorning my vehicle.  Why did it take that long to be deposited at the dump which is 1 minute from work?  I don't know.  Procrastination in its purest form?  I would feel bad because it was Damian's favorite place to exist (which is about the most activity he does) for a decade but really it was gross.  Plus I got the cats a new tree that won't be hauled around in the truck for at least another 9 years and 7 months.  So this post is less about the loss of a rug covered stick and more about my new found freedom.  Hooray for unloading crap I don't need from my life!

I will leave you with a picture of this cute bear that is on consignment at Love And Glitter in Ellicott City, MD.  Awww.

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